Huge success of our member
RNDr. Petr Chaloupka, Ph.D. (FNSPE CTU in Prague) has become a one out of three co-Conveners for Heavy Flavor Group on the experiment STAR.
Petr graduated from Charles University in 2001 and continued his Ph.D. studies. During this time he worked at the NPI CAS and was on long stays in BNL or Berkeley. From 2012 he works at the FNSPE, where beside the experimental studies of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at STAR experiment at BNL also teaches Subnuclear Physics, Introduction to experimental physics 1, 2 and supervising Bc., MSc. and Ph.D. students.
Jaderka na Colours of Ostrava
Na festivale Colours of Ostrava (18.-21.7.2018) se tým studentek a studentů z KF a KDAIZ zúčastnil s fyzikální show, která probíhala každý den na společném stánku se Světem techniky Ostrava. Účastníci se mohli podívat a vyzkoušet experimenty z jaderné a částicové fyziky. Studenti také přispěli do programu přednášek o fyzice Science Garden (, která je součástí oficiálního programu Meltingpot Plus. Tento nápad vznikl v rámci skupiny IPPOG CR, která se zaobírá popularizací částicové fyziky a naše účast je podpořená projektem BNL-CZ.
The most vortical system
Scientists from FNSPE CTU in Prague and NPI CAS with colleagues from the other countries participating in the STAR experiment revealed that the fluid produced in heavy ion collisions (quark-gluon plasma) is the most vortical system so far observed. The discovery was published in the prestige magazine Nature and placed it on the title page.
17th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter
On 10-15.7.2017 a 17th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter was held in Utrecht, Netherlands. Our student, Ing. Jindřich Lidrych (FNSPE CTU in Prague), had his presentation on Kaon femtoscopy in Au+Au collisions from the Beam Energy Scan at the STAR experiment.
European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2017)
On 5-12.7. 2017 the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, which is one of the major international conferences for HEP, was this year held in Venice, Italy. At this conference, two of our students (Ing. Miroslav Šimko and Bc. Oliver Matonoha) presented their up to date research progress and one student (Ing. Lukáš Kramárik) presented his poster.